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November 24, 2013

Springer Site Council Update

The Springer Site Council is a committee composed of parents, staff and the principal.   In the past, when California had plenty of money in its budget, Site Councils at schools were given money to use for school improvement; in particular in the area of student achievement. 

While Site Councils haven't seen money from the state in a long, long time, these important committees still function.  Springer's Site Council has been used to write the Single Plan of Student Achievement, conduct Parent Surveys, and to make general recommendations to the various stakeholders at Springer. 

This year the Site Council will be asking all Springer families to take a survey on various aspects of the school, including questions on climate, curriculum and technology.  The data we collect from the surveys is important, allowing us to uncover areas where parents would like to see more emphasis or more communication.  We can also gauge satisfaction with certain programs.  The Site Council will analyze the survey and then make recommendations out to groups such as the Technology Committee and the PTA, and to the principal.  Consider the survey a quality review check for our clientele.    We are expecting to launch the survey in January, soon after the resumption of school after the Winter recess.   It will be sent with a link via email.  Your feedback is very important. 

Another project Site Council will take on this year deals with campus safety.  The Council will walk the campus and look at potential additions, such as fencing, that will make Springer a more secure campus. Recommendations for those improvements will be given to PTA for their consideration. 

A Loss For Springer…
It is with some sadness that I report that Mrs. Crystal Gippe, our Resource Specialist, will be leaving Springer at the end of December.  Due to a job transfer for her husband, she will be moving out to chilly Colorado.  We are excited for Crystal's new life journey, but we are saddened by her departure.  Crystal has, in a very short time, made a tremendous impact on her students and on the Springer staff.   I will be conducting interviews for a new Resource Specialist during the first week of December and anticipate hiring an equally skilled Resource Specialist as Mrs. Gippe.   We wish her the best of luck and thank her for her great care and compassion for Springer students.

Happy Thanksgiving
Lastly, I want to wish everyone a restful break over the Thanksgiving holiday.  I hope it is time well spent with family and friends.   We look forward to seeing everyone back when school resumes on Monday, Dec. 2nd.

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